
Showing posts from April, 2022

Week 1 Term 2 2022

Dear Parents, We hope you had a wonderful holidays and a Happy Easter. The children were all very excited to be back yesterday and I loved hearing all of their adventures of camping, fun in the sun and for some us, in COVID isolation. 🌞😎😥😀 Welcome A big welcome to Mrs Leanne Gibbons who will be our new classroom education support assistant. We are very lucky to have such a lovely lady to help our students learn and be their best. Please make her feel welcome if you see her.  Mrs Edwards is continuing to work at the school and will be taking students for literacy intervention and Mrs Spencer is continuing her role in the office.   Wadandi Totems  🌨💧🍂🍁 We are now in the season of Djeran - This is when the weather starts to get cooler and the leaves turn orange and fall off the trees.We are very lucky that Josh Whiteland from Koomal Dreaming has approved every classroom with a native flora and fauna and their traditional Noongar name. Over the coming weeks, we w...

Week 10 Term 1 2022

  Kaya (hello),    The term is coming to a quick end. There have been some challenges with the current Covid situation, however, we believe that this has not stopped the children from learning what is required in Year 1. They have all taken on their learning with a leap and bounds and the class is now into an excellent routine.   Holidays for rest and recharging with some precious family time are just around the corner!   Parent Teacher Meetings   Starting Term 2, 2022 face-to-face parent meetings will be available again. More information will be coming out regarding parents entering the classroom. The best way to stay up with what is happening in the classroom is to read the OLC newsletter, blog and view all assessment tasks and weekly announcements on Seesaw.    We have sent out requests to the parents that we require a meeting with. If you did not receive a meeting request email and would like one, please feel free to email us to arra...