Week 9 Term 2 2022
Week 9 Information Kaya (hello), This term is powering ahead and the home stretch is in sight for the last fortnight of learning. We have a lot of fun planned for the last two weeks before the students have a well-deserved break. Design Technology Both classes had a wonderful Friday using their plans and their Year 5 buddy assistants to create their hybrid creature. We have a few other things to do our creature including an information report before they will be coming home with their inventor. Here is a few pictures from the hour of power with our buddies. Cross Country Congratulations to all of the Year One students who ran their little hearts out at Cross Country last Thursday. We are so proud of the sportsmanship shown by all of the students and the way they encouraged and cheered for one another. Seeing their proud faces cross over the finish line was a truly precious moment to be part of! Cape Kaya Excursion Our excursio...