Week 9 Term 2 2022

  Week 9 Information 

Kaya (hello),

This term is powering ahead and the home stretch is in sight for the last fortnight of learning. We have a lot of fun planned for the last two weeks before the students have a well-deserved break.   

Design Technology

Both classes had a wonderful Friday using their plans and their Year 5 buddy assistants to create their hybrid creature. We have a few other things to do our creature including an information report before they will be coming home with their inventor. Here is a few pictures from the hour of power with our buddies.

Cross Country 

Congratulations to all of the Year One students who ran their little hearts out at Cross Country last Thursday. We are so proud of the sportsmanship shown by all of the students and the way they encouraged and cheered for one another. Seeing their proud faces cross over the finish line was a truly precious moment to be part of! 

Cape Kaya Excursion 

Our excursion is only a couple of days away. Students will need to wear their sports uniform, sports shoes, sports jumper and school hat. There will be no additional cost for the excursion. We also ask to please note that plans may change depending on the weather. Please let us know if your child is NOT allowed to attend the excursion ASAP via email.  


When: Wednesday, the 22nd of June 

Where: Kaya Cape Experience – Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse 

Time: 9:30am – 11:30am 


What to bring: 

  • Children will wear their sports uniform, sports shoes and sports jumpers. 

  • In addition, we recommend wearing a rain jacket or similar and wearing school tracksuit pants that will block out the wind as the entire excursion is outdoors. Students will also need to wear their school hats but may bring a beanie to wear underneath if they get cold.  

  • Children bring their packed morning tea with them, and their water bottle so please make sure all containers and bottles are clearly marked.  


Learning Intentions 

IntiaLit: We will be looking at sentences using suffixes and base words with suffixes. 

Writing: Students use subject-specific vocabulary words to write out an information report based on their hybrid animal.  

Mathematics: Continuation of 2D/3D shapes and revision of number fact families. 

Spelling Focus: We will be revisiting ‘ea, ew, igh, oa aw’ sounds that we have struggled with in our spelling tests.  


Last week, we continued focusing on 2D and 3D shapes. We focused on how to draw different shapes and identifying the features of a given shape - faces, corners and edges. We will be continuing this focus this week and begin to review number relationships for addition and subtraction operations. 

    Seesaw - Maths

    I hope you are all enjoying the Seesaw posts that have showcased your child's learning and understanding of all the learning areas we are covering in class. You would have noticed that a Math sample was posted last fortnight that demonstrated your child's knowledge of time within the Measurement and Geometry strand. Both of the Year One teachers have noticed that this area is something we will need to revisit in Term Four as many children are still developing their understanding of this tricky concept. We would absolutely love if you could also practise telling time to the half hour and ask your child to give reason For example: I know it is half past five or 5:30 because the the minute hand is halfway around the clock pointing at the six and that means that it is thirty minutes past and the hour hand is halfway past the hour number 5.  

    School Holidays 

    If you are planning on leaving for holidays early or will be continuing into Term 3, could you please see Fran in the office and fill out an extended leave form.   


    Semester One Reports 

    Reports will be sent home via SEQTA on the final day of the term. Over the next fortnight our grades and comments will be finalised. The reports are aligned with the Western Australian curriculum and achievement standards for Year 1. We encourage you to read the first opening page of the report which explains what each grade letter means in association with the SCSA WA curriculum, rather than thinking about the grade letters we used to receive during our own schooling years.  A 'C grade' on your child's report is considered an average achievement grade and relates to expected achievement as set by SCSA in relation to the WA year 1 population progression level of the curriculum. You will notice that our formal learning tasks shared on Seesaw throughout the semester also align with this - C grade being 'at expected level' or 'achieved Year 1 level', B or A equates to working above and D grade is working towards and/or requiring additional support. Our OLC reports also include their personal values and attitudes for each subjects and overall which are recognised as an important aspect of learning.


    We Need You 

    In week one next term we need parents, grandparents or friends from Year One to help in the canteen. Week two we need Year 2 parents, week three we need Year 3 families to help etc. In week 7 we need Pre-Primary parents to help. Please send an email to the school at admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au to let us know which day you will be able to help. It is just sensational to see dads in the canteen as well. 


    Character Strength 

    Persistent. Follows through and finishes tasks. Sticks with things. Shows grit. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

    Please feel free to email us if you have any questions or queries at all. Thank you for your continued support and assistance.


    Bornung Koort Dombart Wongi – Many hearts one voice! 


    Penny and Gemma




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