Week 2 Term 4 2022

 Kaya Everyone, 

What a great start to Term 4, it has been wonderful to spend time with the children to hear about what they did over the holidays. We look forward to more sunshine and have enjoyed watching the flowers bloom as we enter to Wadandi Noogar season of Kambarang.


Learning Intentions 

Spelling: We introduce digraphs ‘ear’ (ear) and ‘eer’ (cheer). 

Writing: We introduce contractions this week.  

Contractions are a way to join together two words in order to make them shorter. 


Mathematics: We look at measuring time by using calendars, learning the sequence order days of the week and months of the year. 

Merit Award Winner

Congratulations to Indi-Rose for being the first 1K member to recieve her award at our first school assembly for the year. Indi Rose we are so proud of your recent focus in Mathematics and your growing confidence to engage in your learning, ask questions and explain your thinking. Well done!

Protective Behaviours Program 

Keeping Safe - For the first few weeks of Term 4, the children will be continuing to cover concepts relating to Protective Behaviours through the ‘Keeping Safe’ program (during Friday Health classes). This week, the children will be taking part in the Keeping Safe lesson about personal space and private body parts. We will be reading a story and emphasising the fact that parts of their body are private. I understand that the children may laugh and giggle when we talk about the anatomical names, but this is important for every child to know. It is also a compulsory part of the curriculum. 

Over the next few weeks, we will be talking to the children about: 

  • The concept of personal space and how this is different for different people 
  • Correct anatomical names of sexual body parts 
  • Warning signs that our body gives us in uncomfortable/unsafe situations 
  • Examples of unsafe/uncomfortable situations and role playing how to say an assertive NO!’ 
  • Appropriate and inappropriate touching 
  • Talking to people that we trust 

Research shows that knowing the anatomically correct language terms enhances children’s body image, self-confidence, and openness.  

This is in conjunction with the Child Protection Curriculum which has been mandated in all schools in Western Australia. Please feel free to email and ask any further questions you may have in regards to this Curriculum


Mass at Our Lady of the Cross Southern Church (This week - Week 2) 

Parents or family members are welcome to join 1K for Mass on Wednesday of Week 3 at Our Lady of the Southern Cross from 9:30 am. We will be walking down with 5 other classes to the church and will be learning about mass and church procedure and etiquette by sitting with our Year 5 buddy. We ask that students are at school on time particularly on Wednesday morning as we will be leaving soon after the bell to begin our church walk.



As we transition into summer uniform, administration have asked each classroom teacher to check that each child is wearing the correct school uniform. Some students are coming to school with nail polish, colourful jewellery, the incorrect socks, shoes and hair ties. Could we please follow the school uniform policy? We will be sending home uniform reminders if your child comes to come in the wrong uniform so we can represent our school. Please click on the link below if you are unsure of the OLC uniform policy.  


Grandparents Day 

When: Friday, October 28th 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm 

Where: Our Lady of the Cape Primary School 

1:30 pm – Join us for afternoon tea in the school hall. 

1:50 pm – Classroom visits with your grandchildren. 

2:30 pm – A special assembly from 5R in the school hall.  


Character Strength 


This Term’s School Value Focus: Excellence 

๐Ÿ–Œ๐ŸŽจCalendar Art๐Ÿ–Œ๐ŸŽจ
Please note that your child's calendar art is available for purchase using the below link:


Important Dates 

Mass at Our Lady of the Cross Southern Church: 9:30 pm Wednesday (Week 3) 

Grandparent's Day: Friday 28th October (Week 3) 

Student Free Day: Friday 11th November (Week 5) 

Year 1’s Assembly 1K and 1S: Friday 2nd December (Week 8) 

International Day of Disabilities: Friday 2nd December (Week 8) 

Christmas Concert: 5:30pm Wednesday 7th December (Week 9) 


We look forward to some fun learning ahead for the last term of Year 1.  


Bornung Koort Dombart Wongi – Many hearts one voice! 


Penny and Gemma


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