Week 7 Term 3 2022

Kaya, I hope you enjoyed the extra-long OLC weekend – it was lovely to enjoy some sunshine with the family and catch up on some fun. The children had so much fun on the Book Week Dress Up day and we also celebrated the day learning about the winning book by the CBCB called the Walk of the Whales by Nick Bland. Learning Intentions Spelling: Review split digraphs with a ‘bossy e’. English: Attempt to include a closing statement restating opinion in a persuasive text. Mathematics: Identifying mental strategies to solve addition problems. For example: think big count on, friends of ten, doubles and doubles plus 1. Open Classroom Afternoon (Thursday 8th September) We apologise for the change of date to next Thursday for the Year 6 and Year 1 only. Next week after school, you will have an opportunity for the children to share their classwork with their families and celebrate their learning thus far in 2022. This is a good time to view your child’s work and discuss with th...