Week 8 Term 4 2022
Dear parents, Welcome to Week 8... the final weeks of Year One ! I hope you have all been enjoying the weekend break and taking some time to rest as we power through til the end of the year ☀😎 Just a few notes for the final fortnight ahead... Homework This will be the last week of home readers as we need to do stocktake for the last week of school. I will also be putting in a mini booklet of all of the fluency grids and spelling lists that we have had this year. If you could go through this booklet and work through particular sheets which your child may be having difficulty applying to their long-term reading memory that would be great. We ask that you remove these white reading fluency and spelling lists from their homework folder and keep them at home to use over the holiday break. A reminder that the spelling list on the back of these are the three levels. Yellow list is at year 1 standard, pink is extra support and blue is extension. The final si...