Week 7 Term 1 2021
Hello parents!
This is the big week - swimming week! Get ready for some excited and soon to be very tired kids all week! Some reminder details in addition to those I shared last week's blog post include:
Swimming Lessons
Swimming commences Week 7 (Monday March 15th to Friday 19th March).
The children may wear their sports uniform from the entire week with their bathers under their uniform. The boys often like to wear their boardies under their school school shorts so that they are ready to go. If your girls have difficulty going to the toilet in their bathers, please teach them an easy way/method depending on their bathers type or if this is difficult, we can get them changed at recess if they would prefer. If your child is wearing a rashie, please bring it separately, as they can be hot under their uniform and this is an easy change at school. They will need to wear sneakers and socks to school each day and pack thongs in their swimming bag ready to swap over just after recess break at school.
This year the children will have 2x 40 minute lessons. In between the blocks there will be a 10 minute break where we will only have time for toilets and a quick snack break which they will eat their recess food. We will be leaving OLC at 11:40am and returning by around 2:30pm.
We will be eating our lunch food at recess time at school instead and I will ensure that we go out five/ten minutes early each day so that they have enough time to eat and play. Unfortunately no canteen orders will be available in week seven as we will not be at school at lunch time. Please ensure to label all water and containers as they get lost very easily in the trips to and from school.
Please bring their towel, goggles and a spare plastic bag (for wet bathers) in either a separate sports bag/reusable bag or a thick plastic bag which will hang outside on their bag hook until our swimming time. We will undress at school, leaving our uniform and school shoes on our chairs and wear our bathers and thongs to the pool, carrying our swimming bags that will contain our bathers, goggles, water bottles and recess lunch boxes.
Please label everything - uniforms, containers and waterbottles - it is really easy to lose belongings this week and the children rarely are aware what their unlabelled belongings like or claim them.
Parent Teacher Interviews week 8 and 9 (timetable to be emailed for booking slots soon, please let me know if these weeks will not be suitable and we can organise a time this week.)
1K Learning
We have continued with our InitiaLit reading lessons and begun small group differentiated reading and spelling groups as well. We have focused on the concept of number and different ways we can add parts together to make a whole. Our learning this week will continue to develop on our number sense understandings, moving onto decomposing whole numbers in the form of subtraction number sentences.
In science we have been learning about sound. We have learnt that sound is energy and it travels through air particles in waves into our ears. Sound is caused by vibrations and movement. We have learnt that sounds can change depending on the objects that make the sound and the objects around us. We did an experiment with the sound of our voices travelling through air and travelling through solid objects such as string, making cup telephones.
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