Week 4 Term 3 2021

Dear Parents, 

Well here we go into Week 4! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and managed to get out and about between the clouds and showers or just enjoyed some time at home with friends or family.  In 1K, we have a tradition to give each weekend a rating from 1-10 each Monday in class to and it is always so interesting to hear the individuality of each child's rating and their reasoning why!

SEESAW - As per the information sent home a couple of weeks ago in an email from administration, we are now using the Seesaw platform school-wide to use to show you some of the activities that we are completing in class as well as providing insight and feedback to your child and yourselves about how they are going. This is a form of formal reporting that we are implementing over this semester to give you insight to your child's achievement more regularly rather than only the formal report that you will receive at the end of the year.  

Over the past two weeks, your child has brought home one or two copies of QR Code that is specific to your child to be used to sign up to their account. It is important that you sign up to the Seesaw Family app not use the Seesaw Class app that was used for online learning last year. You can access it from an app on your smartphone and/or through any electronic device such as ipad and signing into laptop or desktop computers.  I also highly recommend you agree to notifications from the Family app as it will let you know every time there is a new addition to your child's learning journal which we are hoping to be weekly/fortnightly. 

Please note that this code can be used multiple times within the family so please feel free to share with grandparents or special grownups that would love to see what your child is up in class.  We now have 20 families who have signed up and accessed their child's journal and 24 parents who have already viewed some of their child's learning.  If you haven't already signed up, please do so in the coming days. Let me know if you need assistance or would like to be emailed the direct link if there is any problems accessing your child's learning journal using the QR code that has been sent home or if you have any questions at all about this sharing platform.

Mission Markets - These are on this Friday 13th August. It is a celebration of our feast day on the catholic church calendar, celebrating our Mother Mary and also acknowledges the 25th birthday of OLC!  Our Feast day will begin with a whole school mass, some activities that involve learning more about Mary and part of the day will be some market stalls.  Our goal for these stalls to collect money to donate and reflect on how we can help others. This week we will be learning more to understand of the special work that is being done by Catholic Missions to support those in real need.

Catholic Mission - Thailand

This year, we are focusing on the students having a fantastic day that focuses on what they can do and give rather than what they can buy or take home. We are also very mindful of being as environmentally conscious as possible so prizes this year will be in the form of OLC Currency...unfortunately it won't pay for the shopping at Coles but the money the students raise will go towards hopefully winning an experience for the winning class! 

Please make sure that your child bring NO MORE than $10 - preferably a mixture of coins of about $5 seems to fair well with our younger students and having a number of silver and gold coins ready to spend and donate are best as each stall only operates with a very small float. 

1K Assembly - our performance assembly will be on 3rd September and we will be celebrating our dads, grandfathers and special men in our lives as it lands just before Fathers Day and will be in lieu of a whole school Fathers Day mass.  We will be recording the performance and putting it on the blog so any Dads who can't attend can watch it and enjoy.  We will be dressing up as our dad or grandfather in our lives.  I would also ask if a few mums could pop in after lunch on the day to help with getting changed into our costumes and any extras like facial hair added etc. Please let me know if you will be away for this date or if you have any questions at all.  

Mrs Hughes - Some sad news for us now is that the amazingly organized, caring and dedicated Mrs Hughes is leaving us at OLC!  We are so sad for ourselves to be losing such an amazing education assistant in the Year One and Two classes especially so soon but we are so happy for her as she has taken up an incredible opportunity to return to her professional field of science and her love for hydrology by looking after our local wetlands.  We have been so lucky to have had access to such amazing scientific knowledge as they kids know we have a 'real life scientist' as well as her love of teaching children reading, writing and mathematics and helping anyone who needs help with anything at all.  The next nature warrior and protector of our region's precious resources will begin her job soon too as Mrs Hughes last day is this Friday 13th August. If your child would like to make a small card to say goodbye and deliver it to her throughout this week, I am sure that she would love it.

Merit Award - Congratulations to Payton who received our merit award last Friday for the awesome effort she has been applying to her learning and focus to achieving her personal learning goals.  Plus she always does it a "I'm just going to give it a go" attitude and a positive mindset.   

Well I think that's it for the big news for this week!

Penny and Gemma 

Student Uniform 
Dear Parents, the staff and admin will be paying particular attention to the students uniform and standard of dress from now on. This includes your child wearing the correct uniform on the correct day, i.e. only wearing sport uniform on sport days. This also includes wearing the correct shoes, socks and neat and tidy hairstyles. Information about our uniform policy can be found on our school website. 

Character Strengths 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths 
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Hope. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

What is happening this Term at OLC

More information on events to come throughout the term

Week 4: OLC 25th anniversary Mission and Markets - 13th August

Week 6: Open evening 25th Aug, athletics carnival 26th Aug and student free day 27th Aug

Week 7: 1K performance assembly Friday - save the date 3rd Sept

Week 8: School photos 9th Sept, OLC’s got talent 10th Sept

Week 10: Book week 22nd Sept

 *More information and dates available in the school calendar and newsletter


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