Week 5 Term 3

 Dear Parents, 

Well here we are halfway through Term Three - time flies when you are having fun! 

SEESAW - This is a form of formal reporting that we are implementing over this semester to give you insight to your child's achievement more regularly rather than only the formal report that you will receive at the end of the year.  We now have nearly all families sign up and access their child's journal. Don't forget you can have both parents access your child's Seesaw account and that you can access directly with the Seesaw Family app on your phone, device or computer.  Please let me know if you need assistance or would like to be emailed the direct link if there is any problems accessing your child's learning journal using the QR code.

1K Assembly - our performance assembly will be on 3rd September in a fortnight's time and we will be celebrating our dads, grandfathers and special men in our lives as it lands just before Fathers Day and will be in lieu of a whole school Fathers Day mass.  We will be recording the performance and putting it on the blog so any Dads who can't attend can watch it and enjoy.  We will be dressing up as our dad or grandfather in our lives. Work or hobby attire that best suits their dad would be great.  I would also ask if a few mums could pop in after lunch on the day to help with getting changed into our costumes and any extras like facial hair added etc. Please let me know if you will be away for this date or if you have any questions at all.  We will be rocking out to an AC/DC tune too so if anyone has any blow up/play guitars we could use we would be grateful! 

Open night - next Wednesday will be our open night and this is an opportunity for those who aren't regularly able to, to come into the classroom and get a glimpse of some of the great things we have been up to.  We will have your child's writing books, Term Three scrapbooks (all other learning areas combined) and art examples out from their trays on their desks to see and chat about with your child.  Please remember however a lot of our learning in Year One is gained through exploration, discussion, questioning and hands-on activities.  If you can't make it on the evening, feel free to just pop in and have a look in your child's tray any morning you have available :)

Mathematics - this week we began our review of the number operation - subtraction.  This is the second time we have focused on this number strand since term one and we are ready to implement some strategies to help us solve subtraction number sentences fluently and accurately.  We understand subtraction situations but are now learning some strategies to help us solve them in different ways.  This includes using pictures or shapes to draw and cross out, using counters or objects to remove, using a number line or a hundreds board to find the starting number and jump back.  

We are also working on some larger subtraction number sentences that start with teen numbers (and some students are beginning with larger two digit numbers) this term and sometimes solving sums without resources.  We are working on the strategy of 'THINK BIG, Count back'. This is a complex strategy which requires the student to think about the larger number in their head and use fingers to only count back the number that is removed.  Eg. 12 - 6 students say twelve (tap head if needed) and put out six fingers then count back aloud 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 as they put a finger down or tap each finger out, knowing that the last number counted backwards is the result/answer.  Feel free to do some extra subtraction homework by saying different number sentences starting from ten and then teen numbers for them to practice solving subtraction equations using this strategy. 

Merit Award - Congratulations to Amelia who receives our STAR CITIZEN merit award today for her consistent display of our school's focus value of respect.  She always shows her peers, teachers and environment respect with thoughtfulness and care.  

Penny and Gemma 

Student Uniform 
Dear Parents, the staff and admin will be paying particular attention to the students uniform and standard of dress from now on. This includes your child wearing the correct uniform on the correct day, i.e. only wearing sport uniform on sport days. This also includes wearing the correct shoes, socks and neat and tidy hairstyles. Information about our uniform policy can be found on our school website. 

Character Strengths 

Currently at OLC we are focusing on modelling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking at the strength of Humility and how we can use that well and in ways to support and encourage ourselves and others to be at their best.

What is happening this Term at OLC

More information on events to come throughout the term

Week 6: Open evening 25th Aug, athletics carnival 26th Aug and student free day 27th Aug

Week 7: 1K performance assembly Friday - save the date 3rd Sept

Week 8: School photos 9th Sept, OLC’s got talent 10th Sept

Week 10: Book week 22nd Sept

 *More information and dates available in the school calendar and newsletter


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