Week 8/9 Term 3 2021

Dear Parents, What a wonderful week so far with lots of learning and fun. Today we will finish the week with the OLC's Got Talent Show on after an early lunch break. The children all looked so wonderful yesterday thank you for sending them to school reading and looking very f i n e ! We have had a great time this week so far, having two Year 5 Challenge Academy students coming to teach us about bees, making some bee craft, learning to draw still-life pictures with Mrs Sorgiovanni, reversible and irreversible changes in science and learning about the three persons of God as our Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In Initialit reading we have been learning about reading with fluency, verbs and using the suffix 'ed' to show it has already happened. In reading groups we have been working on sounding out loud tricky words, chunking longer words into syllables and asking someone if we don't know what a word means and can't imagine anything. We know how imp...