Week 9 Term 1 2021

Welcome to the last week of the first term of Year 1! What a whirlwind term we have had. Last Friday was a wonderful day where we celebrated our achievement in our InitiaLit structured literacy program and our work on writing dictation by writing four amazing sentences and then a paragraph about our teddies. We loved having them come and visit and they even enjoyed having a crunch and sip session after reading and a play out in the nature playground! We begin each day with our explicit reading and spelling learning on the mat before breaking off to our differentiated reading and spelling groups. I am so proud of how persistent and focused the children are everyday towards learning and how far they have come in their reading and writing we do each day in 1K. Please feel free to come in and have a look in our writing book or integrated learning scrapbook anytime to see all the work we have done! Last week was the introduction to our writing unit l...